Why am I so tired? How can I be more energetic?

How can I be more energetic?

Many people struggle with lacking energy for the usual daily grind.

Tiredness and fatigue are serious problems. Extreme tiredness affects us as much as being under the influence of alcohol. Tiredness contributes to many road accidents and workplace injuries.

It is no wonder tiredness is one of the most common symptoms people see a doctor about.

Tiredness and fatigue can be signs of a health problem. Heart disease, infection, depression, iron deficiency, thyroid disease, sleep disorders, and many other illnesses often cause tiredness. Some illnesses may have resolved but left lasting fatigue for a long time. This can be difficult to manage. However, many people suffering from tiredness and fatigue do not have a ‘disease’. This can cause significant distress and anxiety.

It may come as surprise to some people, but tiredness and fatigue are not abnormal feelings.

Everyone gets tired. We all need sleep. Tiredness is part of our normal rhythm. It encourages rest and healing. Sleep is a time of recuperation. Resting is a time to process our experiences and connect with our feelings. Relaxation is a time to feel and simply ‘be’, rather than think and ‘do’.

Excessive tiredness and fatigue can be symptoms of an unbalanced life with too much ‘doing’. Whether it is excessive work, high levels of stress, impossibly high expectations, or saying ‘yes’ to many good things. Fatigue can also be a sign of lacking quality relaxation. This ‘being’ time is often called mindfulness. This can take the form of sitting quietly, taking the time to take pleasure in your surroundings, whether it is music, nature, art or something else.

If you struggle with excessive tiredness and fatigue it is important to see your doctor for a health check. It is also important to consider how your lifestyle and habits affect your energy-levels.

At Integro Health we can help. We can provide physical health checks, assist you to restore the ‘balance’, and provide advice about living with tiredness and fatigue. Integro Health can help you feel well, think well and live well.